...President Calvin Coolidge and his wife were being toured around a government farm when Mrs. Coolidge inquired about the ratio of roosters to hens in the hen house. "Surely, one rooster could not mate with all these hens," she asked. "Indeed, it mates dozens of times each day, day after day." A smirk on her face, Mrs. Coolidge suggested that her guide impart this knowledge to Mr. Coolidge. Upon receiving this message, President Coolidge examined the hen house for a moment before responding, "This rooster, does it mate with the same hen each time?" When the guide responded, "No, sir. A different hen each time," the President asked his guide to tell that to his wife.
Based on this story, the name "Coolidge Effect" has been applied to the phenomenon, observable in nearly all mammalian species, of both sex's boost in sexual performance when introduced to new partners. This frenzy of copulation is thought to be explained by a rush of the neurochemical dopamine, which controls motivation and reward in the limbic system.
That's hilarious.